I know the rhyme is cheesy, but I just couldn't help myself. Earlier this week Jessica Simpson showed up to TRL wearing what one could only believe to be her pajamas. It is what was once called a
"playsuit", but now we just call it skanky. I kid, I kid. Beside the fact that it's a rather revealing look, I still quite like it for summer, and I was ecstatic when I found it @
gojane.com for only $18.99.
Here's Jessica looking perkier than usual:
And here are the jumpsuits from Gojane, supercute if I do say so myself.

hmm... i don't know about the jumpers.. it looks horrible on jessica.
Um, that would so not be flattering to me.
It's not that flattering to Jess, either. V. cool blog, BTW!
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